2009年11月27日 星期五

[Glee] Season1 episode 1

開頭就讓我笑了 XDDD

那個警告的喔~喔~ 然後啦啦隊員還要故意掉下來  不爽的老師實在讓我笑死了

Jane lynch (Sue Sylvester) 他在裡面真是我的笑點

每次看到她的不爽臉  不知為何我就會想笑  他的不爽表演得太真實了 XDDD

Mattew morrison (Will Schuester)

他真的眼力很不好 Kurt 明明就是被欺負還看不出來

可是他在表演時 一跳舞就看得出來 musical 出身的動作就是跟旁邊的有差

不知道他從那邊學來的西文  在劇裡當西文老師 兼帶合唱團

Lea michele (Rachel Berry)

第一集他被汽水潑得時候我都快笑翻了 笑到肚子痛

尤其是前面才想像自己星途燦爛  未來一片光明  回到現實馬上被潑汽水 XDD

Chris Colfer (Kurt Hummel)

之前再找第五集時看到訪談  他看起來超像平常人的

可是第四集時  那個舞跟表現都超娘 超gay的 XDD

尤其是第一集要被丟進垃圾桶時  那個把最新collection外套脫掉的動作

有從容赴義的感覺 XDDD

Bueno 是啥 Sch上課我都聽不懂 XDD

這裡面最惡搞是把大黃蜂的飛行 弄得像是惡心蒼蠅在骯髒的地方飛來飛去 繞來繞去

每次聽到這配樂  我都會偷偷期待glee劇組給我好笑的梗  想著會是什麼

導致真的梗出來之前  我就狂笑不已

今天重看時 才發現 schuester 有露胸毛  算bonus耶 XDD

Kurt 唱到最後音還要冷冷撥自己頭髮時 也讓我笑不停

Tina 大力敲腿時 我也笑不停 (害我同事以為我發瘋了 XDD)

Mercedes Jones - Respect?

Kurt Hummel - Mr. Cellophane

Tina C...(口吃 XDD) - I kissed a girl

Rachel Berry - On my own  (!!!! oh my god~~)

從小就是個討人厭的傢伙 XDDD  真是從小就想出名耶


Finn Hudson - Can't fight this feeling

(Schuester好賤 XDD  騙人入伙這一招太賤了 XDD)

Vocal Adrenaline - Rehab

Schuester - leaving on a jet plane

Finn & Rachel - Don't stop believing

The guy on the grass has two songs both by Journey
-Loving touching squeezing
-Don't Stop believin

Rachel and Finn sing a song from Grease
-You're the one that I want

2009年11月13日 星期五

[Company] Being Alive -Sondheim: A Celebration at Carneg


Patti Lupone sings "Being Alive" brilliantly - from Sondheim's "Company."

This video is an excerpt from the highly recommended 1992 concert DVD"Sondheim: A Celebration at Carnegie Hall".

The hair, no.The voice YES.


[Seth Rudetsky] Diener, Kristen, Patti, Audra

Seth Rudetsky deconstructs Kristin Chenoweth, Audra, Karen Morrow, Joan
Diener and Patti Lupone  (Audra Mcdonald)

那時再找Patti lupone的資料就有看到他

他真的很好笑  光看他的影片就可以大概知道那些女演員的動作跟表情 XDD

Patti lupone 有一首亂叫的是 Anything goes~

讓我驚豔的一部份是 Audra 唱It's all over的部份我好喜歡 >> Beyonce

而且他們在2001 年 Dreamgirls concert 找來的這三個女人都可以稱為diva了吧~~

Deena Jones: Audra McDonald
Lorrell Robinson: Heather Headley
Effie Melody White: Lillias White
Jimmy (James Thunder) Early: Billy Porter

Direction 就是 Seth,難怪我覺得我都找不到audra版的 It's all over

Fake Your Way to the Top with Billy Porter

Dreamgirls in Concert: FAMILY 

"I Want You Baby" with Billy Porter DREAMGIRLS in Concert

Steppin' To the Bad Side Dreamgirls in Concert

"Move" On the Rosie O'Donnell Show, September 21, 2001.

可以拿下面電影版原聲帶來對比~~ Seth 放的最後片段中的 Audra 跟 Lillias
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB8eBt3RZ1g (It's all over)

Audra 的 Deena 可是很有power 的~~可以跟 Effie對拼的呢

[Gypsy] Who do you think you ar

本來她的 wiki 還有照片~~在Gypsy 大獲全勝後  她的 wiki 多了很多資料

結果爆出下面這個訊息後  她的wiki 變得很精簡 = =

我實在很好奇到底是誰改掉的  哼哼
LuPone opposes recording, photographs, and other electronic distractions in
live theatre. "Where's the elegance?", she asked in a blog post on her
official site. "I mean, I'm glad they show up because God knows it's a dying
art form and I guess I'm glad they're all comfortable, sleeping, eating and
drinking, things they should be doing at home and in a restaurant. But it's
just not done in the theatre or shouldn't be." LuPone has been the subject of
some controversy due to the bluntness of her statements regarding this
matter. [9]

A related incident occurred at the second to last performance of Gypsy on
January 10, 2009. Agitated at a man taking pictures with the use of flash,
she stopped in the middle of "Rose's Turn" and loudly demanded that he be
removed from the theatre. "You heard the warning in the beginning, you heard
the warning at intermission! Who do you think you are?!" she yelled at him.
After he was removed, LuPone restarted her number. The audience applauded her
stance.[10][11] The event was recorded by another audience member, who
released it on YouTube.[12]

不過關鍵字加上去  找到一堆相關的錄音 XDD

這一場的人好慘  如果她是第一次看Patti 的 gypsy 真是超慘的

被打斷的那一段是 Rose's turn 耶~~根本是壓軸的重點了 不過觀眾超high 的 XDDD

"Stop Stop..Stop Taking Picture Right Now!
You heard the anoucement, who do you think you are? Get them out
How dare you? Who do you think you are? Get them out!
I won't continue if they're taking picture. Get them out!
Three times! Three times you took a picture!
You heard the anoucement at intermission. Who do you think you are?"
大家在替Patti 大嬸寫subtitle時  好愛拿她的口音開玩笑 XDDD

She later claimed that such distractions drive
"people in the audience nuts. They can’t concentrate on the stage if, in
their peripheral vision, they’re seeing texting, they’re seeing cameras,
they’re listening to phone calls. How can we do our job if the audience is
distracted?", and also mentioned that "the interesting thing is I’m not the
first one that’s done it".[13]

Reports say LuPone is at work on a memoir, recounting her life and career
from childhood to the present, to be published in 2010.[14]

[Musical] 兩廳院聖誕音樂會─楊呈偉的聖誕百老匯


Welly's Christmas Eve on Broadway

楊呈偉1993年以《西貢小姐》裡Thuy一角登上美國百老匯舞台,隨後分別接受美國當代作曲家John Adams與編導Peter Sellar邀請演出現代歌劇Ceiling/ Sky、柯爾朴特的《阿拉丁》、外百老匯作品Falsettoland與《鋪軌》,獲得好評。

而卡荻修芙曼(Cady Huffman)因演出百老匯音樂劇《金牌製作人》(The Producers)而獲得「東尼獎」(Tony, Drama Desk)和「外劇評人獎」(Outer Critics Circle Awards)兩大殊榮。


演出者:歌手/楊呈偉(Welly Yang)、卡荻修芙曼(Cady Huffman)
音樂總監、鍵盤及編曲/大衛歐(David O)
台北市立敦化國小音樂班(The Children Choir of Taipei Municipal Dun Hua Primary
宙斯愛樂管弦樂團(Taiwan JustMusic)
貝斯&低音提琴/程杰、小提琴/陳恩加、中提琴 /歐聰陽、大提琴/黃紅溶、
小號/Danny Deysher、木管/楊曉恩&李承育

I Dreamed A Dream - Les Miserables
Con Te Partiro - Originally sung by Andrea Bocelli
She - Notting Hill Soundtrack
Music of the Night - Phantom of the Opera
Impossible Dream - Man of La Mancha
O Holy Night - Traditional
When You Got It Flaunt It - The Producers
Don't Cry for Me Argentina - Evita
The Prayer - Originally sung by Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion
Song Like This - Spamalot
Baby Mine/Lullaby - Traditional
Your Song - Moulin Rouge
Man of La Mancha - Man of La Mancha
In A Very Unusual Way - Nine
Luck Be A Lady Tonight - Guys and Dolls
Thank You for the Music - Mamma Mia
Under The Sea - The Little Mermaid
Joy to the World - Traditional
Do You Hear What I Hear - Traditional
For Good - Wicked

好期待 ^^