2009年11月13日 星期五

[Gypsy] Who do you think you ar

本來她的 wiki 還有照片~~在Gypsy 大獲全勝後  她的 wiki 多了很多資料

結果爆出下面這個訊息後  她的wiki 變得很精簡 = =

我實在很好奇到底是誰改掉的  哼哼
LuPone opposes recording, photographs, and other electronic distractions in
live theatre. "Where's the elegance?", she asked in a blog post on her
official site. "I mean, I'm glad they show up because God knows it's a dying
art form and I guess I'm glad they're all comfortable, sleeping, eating and
drinking, things they should be doing at home and in a restaurant. But it's
just not done in the theatre or shouldn't be." LuPone has been the subject of
some controversy due to the bluntness of her statements regarding this
matter. [9]

A related incident occurred at the second to last performance of Gypsy on
January 10, 2009. Agitated at a man taking pictures with the use of flash,
she stopped in the middle of "Rose's Turn" and loudly demanded that he be
removed from the theatre. "You heard the warning in the beginning, you heard
the warning at intermission! Who do you think you are?!" she yelled at him.
After he was removed, LuPone restarted her number. The audience applauded her
stance.[10][11] The event was recorded by another audience member, who
released it on YouTube.[12]

不過關鍵字加上去  找到一堆相關的錄音 XDD

這一場的人好慘  如果她是第一次看Patti 的 gypsy 真是超慘的

被打斷的那一段是 Rose's turn 耶~~根本是壓軸的重點了 不過觀眾超high 的 XDDD

"Stop Stop..Stop Taking Picture Right Now!
You heard the anoucement, who do you think you are? Get them out
How dare you? Who do you think you are? Get them out!
I won't continue if they're taking picture. Get them out!
Three times! Three times you took a picture!
You heard the anoucement at intermission. Who do you think you are?"
大家在替Patti 大嬸寫subtitle時  好愛拿她的口音開玩笑 XDDD

She later claimed that such distractions drive
"people in the audience nuts. They can’t concentrate on the stage if, in
their peripheral vision, they’re seeing texting, they’re seeing cameras,
they’re listening to phone calls. How can we do our job if the audience is
distracted?", and also mentioned that "the interesting thing is I’m not the
first one that’s done it".[13]

Reports say LuPone is at work on a memoir, recounting her life and career
from childhood to the present, to be published in 2010.[14]

