2008年7月15日 星期二

Musical - Sweeney todd 2005 revival

先預訂 XDD

Sweeney Todd -
Michael Cerveris (Guitar, Orchestra Bells, Percussion)
Anthony Hope - Benjamin Magnuson (Cello, Keyboard)
Beggar Woman - Diana DiMarzio (Clarinet)
Mrs. Lovett - Patti Lupone (Tuba, Orchestra Bells, Percussion)
Judge Turpin - Mark Jacoby (Trumpet, Orchestra Bells, Percussion) The Beadle - Alexander Gemignani (Keyboard, Trumpet)
Johanna - Lauren Molina (Cello, Penny Whistle)
Tobias - Manoel Felciano (Violin, Clarinet, Keyboard)
Pirelli - Donna Lynn Champlin (Accordion, Keyboard, Flute)
Jonas Fogg - John Arbo (Bass) Directed by John Doyle

找到2005 cast 在206 E.B. Competition 演出
Rhapsody in Blood
及在 Gypsy of the Y上的演出
Teeny Todd

真可愛 XDD

